Congratulations to Lars Hedegaard, apprentice TC, for being selected the Outstanding Regional Tournament Official at the 2018 Western Regionals at Laku Landing. the award is presented each year to an official who has show to be extremely hard working and dedicated as voted on by the other volunteer officials at the tournament.
Author: OwenL (Page 4 of 10)
Mystic Lakes, site of the 2018 Nationals has set up an online retail shop for all competitors, spectators and fans to preorder National Tournament branded clothing and gear prior to the event for delivery at the site. See link below for connection to the online shop. If your operating system does not support the link, please copy and paste into a new search page.
The Nationals begins on August 7th.
Congratulations to Barry Young, recipient of this years Merit Award (previously the Rich Slingerland/ Wayne Canfield Award). Every year the award is presented to a member or official who epitomized friendship, dedication and integrity.
The 2018 Western Region Election for Council Representatives, EVP, National Director, and USA-WSWS Director will be done this year by mail in ballot or via the following link to SurveyMonkey voting poll. Please complete the paper voting and mail per the instructions, or for the technology enabled use the link to the survey.