Ryan Nason and Richelle Muhlitner, West Region Rules Committee representatives have been busy at work this year. They have worked with the entire Rules Committee to make changes to the rule book and have published the latest rules and a summary of rule changes as approved by the Board of Directors. Take a moment to thank Ryan and Richelle next time you get a chance for the hours of dedication it takes to stay on top of the rules and changes both within the USA and on the International level. AWSARulesChangesSummary; AWSARuleBook
Category: Competitors (Page 3 of 5)
AWSA President Jeff Surdej, has sent out a survey to all Boys 1-3, Girls 1-3 and Men 1, Women 1 skiers regarding participation in the AWSA Nationals. Please take a moment to fill it out if you or your junior skiers received the survey. If you have multiple junior skiers and they have the same address please send an additional email address so that surveys can be counted for each junior skier.
Yes, there is a prize for the Region who has the greatest percentage return on surveys. So lets go West Region, return your surveys. As of Sept 15th the West is in last place, we can do better than that.
Please take a moment to put a nomination in for the Western Region Merit Award. This award page is in the Regional Guide, page 99, and it also lists the past recipients.
Every year since 1975 the Western Region has recognized a member or official who epitomized friendship, dedication and integrity. The first award was presented at the US National tournament and is now one of the Western Region’s most prestigious honors. This award was established and is maintained for a deserving person who might otherwise go unnoticed. All Western Region members are welcome & encouraged to submit nominations for this award to their local councilperson or Richelle Matli prior to the Regional tournament.
Legendary long time skier, official and coach Jack Hanna has been battling cancer fro 2 years and recently made the difficult decision to transition to hospice care. He is still open to taking phone calls and hopes to spend some time at home after his recent hospitalization. he welcomes the opportunity to hear from members of the water ski community. Please reach out to Jack and let him know your thoughts and feelings.
His former students, friends and the West Region would like to thank him for his years of service and support.
The 2015 American Water Ski Association Rulebook and Summary of Rule Changes was published on February 17, 2015 and is available for download. To download the Rulebook, click here (PDF). To download the Summary of Rule Changes, click here (PDF).
Hard copy rulebooks are available through USA Water Ski headquarters at a charge, but they are 8×11 photocopies, high quality, stapled or hole punched as per request. The cost is $13 per rulebook with shipping; $10 for 10 trick judging pads of 100 ($.50 for each additional pad). Headquarters does not cover the cost of expedited shipping. Expedited shipping charges must be paid in advance of shipping.
Questions of interpretation and suggestions for improvement or changes in the rules should be forwarded to the AWSA Rules Committee (PDF).